Old Wives' Tales That Are Not True

Growing up, you've probably got told a few old wives' tales that scared you.

I know when I was a kid I was terrified that one of these tales would come true and I'd either have a watermelon growing inside me or go blind if I watched TV too close to the screen.

But have no fear because most of those tales you heard are not even true.

According to Insider here are Old Wives' Tales that are Myths:

• If you have wet hair and go outside in cold weather, you'll get sick.

• The hair of the dog gets rid of a hangover.

• If you pull out a gray hair, two more will take its place.

• Eating carrots will drastically improve your eyesight.

• Sitting too close to the television will make you go blind.

• Shaving your hair makes it grow back thicker and coarser.

• An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

• If you swallow it, gum stays in your intestines for seven years.

• Swimming less than an hour after you eat causes cramps and drowning.

• Spicy foods can cause ulcers.

• If you're pregnant and carrying high, your baby is a girl.

• Cats have a natural urge to smother babies.

• Eating a watermelon seed means the fruit will grow inside of you.

Till this day some of these tales are still in my head but am happy to hear that all the gum I swallowed over the years is not stuck in my stomach somewhere.

What Old Wives' Tales do you remember being told as a kid?

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